1. Back drop up to "I" Full twist (toes push up to body flat)
2. Pike belly drop 101B (elbow throw shrug)
3. Load/Unload 400A early swing to punch 102B
4. Load/Unload 201C to back w/armswing
5. Back drop to armstand backwards
6. Back drop to armstand backwards to stomach
7. Pike belly drop 101B Alt jump/swing (early arms drop on 3rd)
8. Hold every other swing 202C on 3rd
1. Full back press to grab, tuck, back to grab
5. 102C w/1 step hurdle (no 2nd swing)
Dry Tower
1. 1 Step punch Fwd. Optional flip to butt & hold "T" comeout
7. Inward jump (ankle pop to mat) (elbows throw and stay high)
Drills and Conditioning
2. Pike rolls across the floor
4. Handstand alt tuck slides x 3, full tuck slides x 3
5. Handstand hold elbows on mat 10 sec
6. Handstand belly on wall 45 sec
7. Handstand hold 10 sec